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Musings of your Virtual Business Assistant


Why outsource to a Virtual Assistant?

A VA in your day keeps the doctor away

It’s an excellent question. In-fact, when you work as a Virtual Assistant or run your own VA business, it’s truly THE question. The one that defines us and inspires our clients to put their faith,
trust, business management and aspirations into our hands.

So, let’s get right down to answering it:

Picture the scenario, or more likely you won’t have to picture it as you’re actually living it on a daily basis. You have a business that you’ve worked long and hard building up and you’re proud of where you stand as a company – your reputation and place in the market. More importantly, you’re proud of the fantastic work you do for your clients and the many ways you’re helping them with your services. But there’s just one, substantial, problem that can be summarised with a single word: admin.

Admin, admin, admin. Pesky, time-consuming, energy sapping, focus averting, absolutely crucial and necessary but needful admin. It’s not going anywhere of its own accord, it needs to be taken care of, or your wonderful business is quickly going to find itself in some serious trouble or, worse yet, grinding to a complete standstill. There’s no way around it, it needs to be done, and pronto.

That’s the bad news and I’m truly sorry to have to break it to you. But here’s the good news - damn it, here’s the GREAT news! You don’t need to get lost in a sea of admin - adrift in bureaucratic hell without a paddle - by securing yourself a skilled, diligent Virtual Assistant you’ll not so much be hauled out of the water onto a lifeboat as chucked onto a luxury pleasure cruiser with a cocktail in your hand.

All of that mundane madness that’s clogging your day and stealing the time you could actually be spending serving clients and, to be brutally honest about it, earning more money, can be taken out of your hands and expertly taken care of. Allowing you to serenely sail out of the treacherous bay of administration and into the idyllic waters of time saved and money gained cove. Okay, I’ll stop with the water-based metaphors now, but you catch my drift? Oops, there’s another one.

Do you need to get the accounts in order? The inbox is overflowing to an unmanageable extent? You can’t reach out to your clients with important messaging because the time simply isn’t there for it? These are all the daily essentials that a Virtual Assistant excels, sometimes by quite literally using Excel, in sorting out for you. You might hate it, but we love it. Your least favourite food is our delicious home-baked bread and butter.

We give you time, we give you freedom, and we give you the chance to give the best of yourself to your business by being able to focus on the things that you’re best at and make you tick. Creative souls, awesome entrepreneurs and all sorts of powerful professionals are great at what they do in-spite of admin, not because of it. Do you think Ernest Rutherford was having to juggle his admin at the same time as splitting the atom? Of course he wasn’t.

There’s no shame in simply putting your hand up and saying, “this admin malarkey isn’t for me. In-fact, I’ve had enough of it and I could do with a little help, please”. Making such a declaration will be liberating, empowering and a step forward for you into a better world of professional and personal fulfilment.

It’s not nice to be overwhelmed, it’s also unpleasant to be underwhelmed, but, to invent a word, why can’t we all just be ‘whelmed’? Able to focus on doing what we do best, enjoying ourselves, getting the creative juices flowing, earning those dollars and living our best life. I’m excited to share a little secret with you right now: psssssst we can be all of those things! The only thing holding us back is the reluctance to embrace an alternative. Well, the alternative is here, ready and waiting to get you where you need to be and sharpish.

Why get a VA? Because it’s a better way to make the most of each and every day. Hmmmmm, that’d look pretty good on a t-shirt. 

Thank you, Tuesday of That Girl Tuesday

Virtual business manager and virtual assistant in New Zealand and UK


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