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Musings of your Virtual Business Assistant

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Why outsource to a Virtual Assistant?

It’s an excellent question. In-fact, when you work as a Virtual Assistant or run your own VA business, it’s truly THE question. The one that defines us and inspires our clients to put their faith,trust, business management and aspirations into our hands.So, let’s get right down to answering it: Picture the scenario, or more likely you won’t have to picture it as you’re actually living it on a daily basis. You have a business that you’ve worked long and hard building up and you’re p...

July 11, 2022

Your Virtual Business Assistant - That Girl Tuesday

I love being a Virtual Assistant - I have no hesitation in saying that and it’s a role I take very seriously and am hugely proud of. Why do I feel this strongly about it? Because I’ll never tire of seeing the positive impact that my work has on you - my clients. So, today I’d like to share a little more information about who I am and why I’m doing this. After years of working in a variety of different businesses, here in NZ and over in London, England, I realised that the time was right ...

July 6, 2022 Posts 1-2 of 2 | Page

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